Watch comedian Andy Bumatai give one update on Hawaiian Pidgin English (in Pidgin English)

It’s official. Hawaiian Pidgin English is a language recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Hawaii comedian Andy Bumatai appropriately reports this news in da bes’ way possible: Pidgin. It also doubles as an introductory crash course to some of its most popular words and phrases. For those of you who might struggle to follow along, the clip includes tongue-in-cheek subtitles so you can keep up.
Hawaiian Pidgin Recognized As A Language (In Pidgin with Subtitles)
Hawaiian Pidgin Recognized As A Language (In Pidgin with Subtitles)
Posted by Andrew Bumatai on Monday, November 23, 2015
The local dialect is a fabric of Hawaii’s contemporary culture, a manner of speaking here that originally came about during the Plantation Era.
Its vocabulary and make any kine grammatical rules l’dat is a combination of various languages born out of necessity. When Hawaii’s non-English speaking immigrants were working in the fields together they needed a way to communicate with each other, Native Hawaiians and English-speaking businessman.
Pidgin here has since transcended that era and is still used widely today across the Islands in every day conversation. If you’re from Hawaii and have since moved to the mainland or elsewhere, it’s not unusual to find yourself code-switching into Pidgin unintentionally. It’s just a part of what makes Hawaii.