Tricks for a pet-friendly condo
It’s not always easy to find, then live, in a small space with a furry friend.

It’s not always easy to find, then live, in a small space with a furry friend. Here are some tips to help Koa and Max feel right at home in a pet-friendly condo.
Sit… Wait…
Many condos say they are pet-friendly, yet the term is not entirely explicit. Some condos restrict areas where pets are allowed to walk, and others may only allow pets access via the service elevator. Be sure to check with the condo board about restrictions on weight limits, number of pets, breeds and anything else that could potentially separate you and your pet.
Sniff out the amenities
You may have found a pet-friendly condo, but what does it have to offer? Ideally, your condo would have a park to let Koa exercise and socialize, a must for dogs.