The Complete 2017 Merrie Monarch Festival Winners List
The full rundown of who won on hula's biggest night.

After two nights of group hula competition, the 54th annual Merrie Monarch Festival at the Edith Kanakaole Stadium in Hilo, Hawaii Island concluded with awards given to the best halau (groups) in the Islands.
Twenty-nine halau (20 wahine, nine kane) vied for top awards with their kahiko (ancient) and auana (modern) performances, telling moolelo (legends) of Hawaii’s akua (gods), peoples, alii (chiefs) and wahi pana (storied places), under the direction of their kumu hula (hula teachers).
This year’s judges Ainsley Halemanu, Rachel Lahela Kaaihue, Pualani Kanakaole Kanahele, Etua Lopes, Piilani Lua, Kealii Reichel and Kalena Silva score performances on a number of criteria including posture, precision, costuming, interpretation, expression, a halau’s kai (entrance dance) and hoi (exit dance).
The big winner of the evening: Ka La Onohi Mai O Haehae of Puahuula and Koolaupoko on Oahu, led by kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, whose final tally in all portions of the competition gave them the highest combined score of the festival with 1,168 points. This is the first time the 9-year-old halau has won the honor.

Here’s the compete winners list:
Overall Winner
Ka La Onohi Mai O Haehae – Puahuulu, Koolaupoko, Oahu, 1,168 points
Kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes
Wahine Overall
1. Ka La Onohi Mai O Haehae – Puahuulu, Koolaupoko, Oahu, 1,168 points
Kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes
2. Halau Hiiakainamakalehua – Kalihi Kai, Oahu, 1,163 points
Kumu Robert Keano Kaupu IV and Lono Padilla
3. Hula Halau O Kamuela – Kalihi and Waimanalo, Oahu, 1,143 points
Kumu Kauionalani Kamanao and Kunewa Mook
Kane Overall
1. Kawailiula – Kailua and Manoa, Oahu, 1,148 points
Kumu Chinky Mahoe
2. Halau I Ka Wekiu – Pauoa, Oahu, 1,133 points
Kumu Karl Veto Baker and Michael Lanakila Casupang
3. Halau Kekuaokalaaualailiahi – Wailuku, Maui, 1,132 points
Kumu Haunani and Iliahi Paredes

Photo courtesy: Merrie Monarch Festival
Wahine Kahiko
1. Halau Hiiakainamakalehua – Kalihi Kai, Oahu, 590 points
“O Lanakila Ke Kaaahi Alii”
Kumu Robert Keano Kaupu IV and Lono Padilla
2. Ka La Onohi Mai O Haehae – Puahuulu, Koolaupoko, Oahu, 589 points
Kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes
3. Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala – Kalaheo, Kauai, 584 points
“Unaue Hanenee”
Kumu Leinaala Pavao Jardin
4. Halau Mohala Ilima – Kaohao, Oahu, 576 points
“A Ka Luna O Puuonioni”
Kumu Mapuana de Silva
5. Hala Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka – Waiohuli, Maui, 575 points
“I waikapu Ke Aloha”
Kumu Napua Greig

Photo courtesy: Merrie Monarch Festival
Kane Kahiko
1. Kawailiula – Kailua and Manoa, Oahu, 580 points
“Maikai Kauai Hemolele I Ka Maile”
Kumu Chinky Mahoe
2. Halau Hula O Kahikilaulani – Hilo, Hawaii, 566 points
“He Mele Hula No Ka Moi Kalakaua”
Kumu Nahokuokalani Gaspang
3. Ke Kai O Kahiki – Waianae, Oahu, 562 points
“Kau Aku O Maui”
Kumu Laakea Perry
4. Kawaiulaokala – Kalaepohaku, Oahu, 558 points
“He Mele No Kamapuaa”
Kumu Keliihoomalu Puchalski

Photo courtesy: Merrie Monarch Festival
Wahine Auana
1. Ka La Onohi Mai O Haehae – Puahuulu, Koolaupoko, Oahu, 579 points
“Mauna Lahilahi”
Kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes
2. Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine – Manoa, Oahu, 578 points
“Hanohano Haleiwa”
Kumu Kailihiwa Vaughan-Darval
3. Halau Hiiakainamakalehua – Kalihi Kai, Oahu, 573 points
“Kaena (Kuu Lei Momoi)”
Kumu Robert Keano Kaupu IV and Lono Padilla
4. Hula Halau O Kamuela – Kalihi and Waimanalo, Oahu, 571 points
“Moku O Keawe Medley”
Kumu Kauionalani Kamanao and Kunewa Mook
5. Halau Hula O Kauhionamuna – Waipahu, Oahu, 566 points
“Lei Kula Na Alii”
Kumu Denise Kauhionamauna Kia Ramento

Photo courtesy: Merrie Monarch Festival
Kane Auana
1. Halau I Ka Wekiu – Pauoa, Oahu, 584 points
“Ulili E”
Kumu Karl Veto Baker and Michael Lanakila Casupang
2. Halau Kekuaokalaaualailiahi – Wailuku, Maui, 581 points
Kumu Haunani and Iliahi Paredes
3. Kawailiula – Kailua, Oahu, 568 points
“Nani Mokapu”
Kumu Chinky Mahoe
4. Ke Kai O Kahiki – Waianae, Oahu, 567 points
Kumu Laakea Perry

Photo courtesy: Merrie Monarch Festival
Miss Aloha Hula
1. Kelina Kyoko Keanoilehua Tiffany Eldredge, Halau Hiiakainamakalehua, 1075, 1499 (tiebreaker), 18.6 points (double tie-breaker)
(Watch her award-winning performance here.)
2. Julyen Machiko Kaloke Kaluna, Hula Halau O Kamuela, 1075, 1499 (tiebreaker), 18.4 (double tie-breaker)
3. Chelei Kameleonalani Kahalewai, Kawailiula, 1024
4. Amanda Hiwalei Aliser, Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leinaala, 1015
5. Miriam Anuhea Kamakanaokealoha Hokoana Arakawa, Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka, 1006