Surfrider Spirit Sessions

Mentoring at-risk and adjudicated youths through ocean awareness, environmental sensitivity and Hawaiian culture.


Surfrider Spirit Sessions’ mission is to serve at-risk and adjudicated youths by teaching ocean awareness, environmental sensitivity and Hawaiian culture via holistic, ocean-based experiential education, mentoring programs and activities that connect, enhance and fill in the gaps within existing nonprofit programs.


Surfrider Spirit Sessions provides adult mentoring services to at-risk, adjudicated and vulnerable youths utilizing the theme of surfing and a curriculum that incorporates Hawaiian culture, life skills and environmental stewardship to help youths make healthier choices. Our programs for boys and girls, ages 10-18, are aligned with seven guiding themes of culturally responsive programs expressed by the Native Hawaiian Education Council. Our curriculum impacts youths on many levels:

Enhances family, peer, adult relationships

Increases connectivity with community

Aids decision-making and ability to contribute to self, family, community

Increases cultural awareness and appreciation

Increases environmental stewardship and awareness

Our adult volunteer mentors work directly with youths to make a real impact in their lives through coaching, listening and being there for them.


7th Annual Surf to the
Turf Golf Tournament:
Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, at ‘Ewa Beach Golf Club

Golfers, sponsors and volunteers raise funds to support our youth mentoring program that helps at-risk and adjudicated kids stay out of trouble and make healthier life choices.

Spirit Session Core Programs:

Our 2020 Spirit Sessions are scheduled for eight consecutive Saturdays:

Spring: March 7 to April 25

Summer: June 6 to July 25

Fall: Sept. 12 to Oct. 31


Connie Sizemore, Executive Director

Sam Rodrigues, Program Manager

Board of Directors

Honorable Karen M. Radius (Retired), Board President

Annabel Murray, Esq., Board Vice President

Katherine Cho, Board Treasurer

Cynthia Y.H. Derosier, Founder

Edward Haik

Paul Kikuchi

Gregory Lui-Kwan, Esq.

Alexander Peach

Michela Mol

Frances Nuar

Laurie Noda

P.O. Box 1677, Kailua, Hawai‘i 96734

P: 808-593-1718


Categories: Hawai‘i Gives Back, Profiles