Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP63
Local artist Nick Kuchar and his studio manager Tracey Kehler join Cat and Kevin on this week's episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast to talk about art, COVID-19 and their new own podcast, Secondary Colors!

Nick Kuchar (@nickkuchar) is no stranger on the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, appearing on episode 35 of the podcast just over a year ago. This time, however, Kuchar is back on the show with his studio manager and jack-of-all-trades Tracey Kehler to talk shop about their new podcast, Secondary Colors, which will be releasing its first episode on August 15th. You can see their introduction episode here!
An in-depth look into how creatives can actually make a profit off of their passions—and shrug off the stereotype of being a ‘broke artist’—Kuchar and Kehler know better than most on the ins-and-outs of making “it” work. If you’re not already aware, Kuchar has made a living for over a decade illustrating some of Hawaiʻi’s most iconic zones with a retro-cool style that looks great on a wall.
Cooler yet, Kuchar will also be inviting his friends on Secondary Colors, all of whom have also “made it” selling their art and will definitely have fantastic advice to give.
Aside from Secondary Colors, the crew—this is the first four-person episode in HAWT history, by the way!—chats about the growing number of COVID-19 infections in Hawaiʻi, what it was like opening a physical storefront in Kailua (you can find Kuchar’s retail store at 629 Kailua Road Suite 120, across from the Whole Foods) during a pandemic and what it is like hearing yourself talk on the microphone. Spoiler alert, nobody likes hearing themselves talk on the mic.
Finally, Cat mentions our annual photo contest at the beginning of the show, and you can find more information about that—as well as how to enter, what categories are being judged and what prizes are at stake—here.
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