Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP45
With Thanksgiving just around the bend, we've assembled the entire HAWAIʻI Magazine editorial team for this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast!

Thanksgiving in Hawaiʻi is a truly unique experience. From unusual but oh-so-ʻono appetizers and entrees to large—like really large—family gatherings, Turkey Day is done a bit differently here in the Islands. But this year, like every other holiday in 2020, things will also be different due to the pandemic.
To talk all about Thanksgiving, Cat and Kevin are joined by HAWAIʻI Magazine art director Kayla Rivera and digital media specialist Shelley Shiroma to discuss how their own holiday plans have been affected by COVID-19. The crew also discusses what Thanksgiving is like in Hawaiʻi, as well as what they’re thankful for this year—like our listeners and readers!
Of course, how can you forget Black Friday. The gang also talks about where to find hotel deals and what it may be like at Ala Moana Center, Hawaiʻi’s biggest shopping mall, on the day after Thanksgiving. Kevin also wrote a full story about how to handle Ala Moana Center on Black Friday, as well as through the rest of the holiday season, which can be found here. We’ll also have our own Shopify specials going on, which can be found here.
Got questions or comments for us? You can email us at media@hawaiimagazine.com. Follow us on social media @hawaiimagazine, and be sure to subscribe to our channel on SoundCloud, iTunes or Spotify. Also, be sure to check out our Shopify for HAWAIʻI Magazine products.