Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP43

Love scary stories? Then this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, featuring master storyteller Lopaka Kapanui, is for you.

On this especially spooky episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, your hosts Catherine Toth Fox and Kevin Allen are joined by the maestro of nightmares himself, Lopaka Kapanui.

Known for his Mystery’s of Hawaiʻi walking tours, Kapanui has made a name for himself within the paranormal groups of Hawaiʻi thanks to his deep log of stories and supernatural occurrences—ready to be told at a moment’s notice. And he sure sent chills up Kevin and Cat’s spines during this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast.

If you want to see more from Kapanui, you can follow him on Instagram as well as on Facebook and YouTube. We’ve also featured Kapanui on our website, and he has been telling terrifying tales every Friday in the month of October on our “Haunted Hawaiʻi” web series. Check it out here!

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