Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP30

“Have Aloha Will Travel” returns, this time with Megan Kono, the farmers market general manager for the Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau Federation.
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Photo: Courtesy of Megan Kono

This week, the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast celebrates its 30th episode! Here’s to the next 30 episodes to come.

Joining Cat and Kevin on this very special episode is Megan Kono, who works as the farmers market general manager for the Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau Federation. Kono explains what her organization is doing to help support our local farmers as well as consumers who want to purchase farm-fresh veggies and produce.



One of the ways the Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau is reaching out to the community is via its new Farm to Car (@farmtocar) program, which lets customers purchase their groceries online every Thursday and Sunday and pick them up at the Neal Blaisdell Center in Honolulu. Even better, the Hawai’i Farm Bureau isnʻt pocketing a penny and all proceeds go back to the farms and farmers.

Speaking of produce, and what to do with it, Cat mentions one of our newest video series, HAWAIʻI in the Kitchen. Our first cooking video series, chef Keoni Chang shows viewers how to make local-style potato salad. Check it out on our YouTube page.

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