Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP16
This week HAWAII Magazine's Kevin Allen and Catherine Toth Fox talk story with shark researcher and safety diver Andriana "Andy" Fragola.

Cure your Monday blues with episode 16 of the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast. You read that right, 16!
Cat and Kevin are on the mics to talk to a very special guest, Andriana Fragola, who works for One Ocean Diving—a research program on the North Shore of Oahu that offers cage-free shark diving tours to the public—as a safety diver and shark immunology researcher.
During this episode, Fragola helps dispel common shark myths: They’re not attracted to human blood, but they do love the color yellow. The Miami-born shark lover (her favorites are tiger sharks) also educates Cat and Kevin about ongoing shark conservation projects as well as the current threats sharks face, like shark finning and indirect shark fishing.
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