Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP15

This week HAWAII Magazine's Kevin Allen and Catherine Toth Fox talk about some only-in-Hawaii things.
Photo: David Croxford

It’s Monday, and you know what that means. The 15th episode of the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast is out! Your hosts, Catherine Toth Fox and Kevin Allen, decided to mix up the format a bit today by talking about only-in-Hawaii subjects, like why we take off our footwear before entering a house or how Hawaii residents like to shower before going to bed.

Not a ton of show notes today, since the episode is mostly just Kevin and Cat rapping about not honking and how much Hawaii likes its fireworks. However, we’re always looking for listener input, so please send in your only-in-Hawaii subjects and ideas if you’ve got them! We will be reading them off at the beginning of our next episode.

Got questions or comments? You can email us at media@hawaiimagazine.com. Follow us social media @hawaiimagazine, and be sure to subscribe to our channel on SoundCloud or iTunes. 

Categories: Listen