Our 10 most popular stories of 2017
You'll find the best island, shave-ice shops and beaches in our top online stories of the year.

It’s no surprise. Visitors to our website want to get away to Hawaii or are actively daydreaming about Hawaii, according to our top online stories of 2017. This past year, we brought you “Best Of” lists to help you plan your future trips, news on hotel openings, answered your most pressing questions about the Islands, and gave you reminders of the sweet scent of Hawaii’s flowers.
Here are the most-visited stories from 2017:
1. 6 iconic tropical flowers that will make you think of Hawaii

2. The best island in Hawaii is …

3. 10 questions you were too embarrassed to ask about Hawaii, answered

4. Ho brah, here are 7 ways to throw a shaka

5. People can’t stop seeing Pele in the lava

6. Top 5 beaches in Hawaii

7. Watch: Dancers and singers from Hawaii give impromptu performances in Japan

8. The best shave ice in Hawaii
9. 10 new (and refreshed) hotel openings in 2017

10. The 5 best places to go camping on Oahu