New Volcano Photo

We have a new photo from Volcano photographer Stephen James O’Meara, along with this note from his wife Donna. Donna O’Meara wrote the history of Kilauea’s current eruption for the Jan/Feb issue of HAWAII Magazine. And she has a new book Volcano: A Visual Guide.
The O’Mearas live in Volcano Village, a few miles from the crater.
From Donna:
It keeps going and going and going. Here is the latest. On Friday Morning, March 28, 2008 a dark, sooty ash plume could be seen roiling from the new summit vent at Kilauea.
By dark on the same day loud audible roars! could be heard thundering from the throat of the vent, rousing Volcano Golf Course residents from their homes to the Hawaii Volcano National Park Steam Vents Look-out.