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Princeville Botanical Gardens

Island: Kauaʻi
Address: 3840 Ahonui Place ,  Princeville, HI 96722
Phone Number: (808) 634-5505
Category: Activity, Best Of

Nature’s invitation to Inspire and delight you to slow down and reconnect to your roots, while immersing yourself in her beautiful dynamic expressions of color, form, scent and diversity. The magic awaits.  

Hidden away in the jungle valleys of Kauai’s North Shore, dramatic topography, natural landscaping, and tender cultivation have culminated into a sacred garden paradise. Though still young, Princeville Botanical Gardens is home to some of the healthiest specimens on Kauai, with a diverse collection comparable to the other beautiful gardens on the Island. Besides native and “canoe” plants, our gardens are home to potent medicinals, rare and endangered flowers and trees, and useful economic plants from around the world. You’ll find Nature’s gifts scattered above, below and all around you , abundance abounds! 

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