Listen to These 20 Hawaiʻi Holiday Tunes to Get You into the Christmas Spirit

From Willie K's rendition of “O Holy Night” to Henry Kapono’s cover of “Merry Christmas to You,” here are a few Hawaiʻi-Christmas songs you’ll love, curated by HAWAIʻI Magazine staff.
Photo: Getty Images

With Christmas just around the corner, now’s the time to fill the holly, jolly halls of your hale (house) with Christmas tunes!

While everybody has their favorites, we’ve compiled a list of 20 iconic Hawaiʻi Christmas jingles—like Bing Crosby and the Andrew Sister’s rendition of “Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas)” and Amy Hanaialiʻi’s “Po Laʻie (Silent Night)”—that are sure to bring that Hawaiian-Christmas spirit to your home.



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