Hawaii Polo Club celebrating 50th year of matches on Oahu’s scenic North Shore


Founded in 1963, the Hawaii Polo Club is celebrating 50 years of polo on Oahu’s scenic North Shore. Its season, which is filled with Sunday afternoon games featuring several international teams, is slated to get under way on April 7 and continue through mid-July.

All matches start at 2 p.m., with gates opening at 11 a.m. for picnics in the scenic beachfront property, near Mokuleia Beach Park in the Waialua area. Admission is $10 for the open field seating (military, $8) and $25 for the clubhouse area. Children age 12 and younger are admitted for free.

The spring schedule’s lineup features Hawaii polo players taking on teams from China, Argentina, New Zealand, and India. Hawaii’s team will also face off against a Texas team. In addition, there’s an Army vs. Navy game and a Maui vs. Oahu game. To check out the full schedule, click here. The polo club’s fall schedule is set for Sept. 1 to Oct. 27.

Polo’s history in in the Islands dates back to the last decades of the 19th century and is intertwined with the culture of the paniolo, the Hawaiian cowboy. According to Hawaii Polo Club, “Polo was introduced in Hawaii not via America, but from Asia, through an Australian cowboy visiting from India.”

For information about Hawaii Polo Club, click here or call (808) 226-0061.

Categories: Oʻahu