Hawaii on Food Network


Chef Robert Irvine and a crew from his popular Food Network show“Dinner: Impossible” were dispatched to Hawaii late last year to film an episode. You can see what they cooked up tonight. 

Fans of the show know the “Dinner: Impossible” drill. Given no knowledge of an event beforehand, Irvine is summoned to plan, procure, cook and serve an entire menu for it in a matter of hours. 

The location of the event typically provides the challenge. And for tonight’s episode—“Late for the Luau”—Irvine’s got a juicy one: Create an entire beachside luau for more than 150 Hawaii residents and visitors in only eight hours. 

Renowned Hawaii chef Sam Choy will offer Irvine guidance, and the Big Island’s Kona Village Resort its oceanside luau grounds. But the thought of watching the always gunning-for-a-challenge Irvine prep a pig for an imu and make lau lau assures we’ll be watching tonight. We hear plenty of things went humorously awry—including someone knocking over a display of fruit—so this could be fun.

Categories: Food, Hawai‘i Island