Have Aloha Will Travel EP98: Mauna Loa Eruption

The crew brings on Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park interpretation and education program manager Benjamin Hayes to talk about the recent historic eruption.
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Photo: Courtesy of Civil Air Patrol

On episode 98 of the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast, Cat, Kevin and Grace talk with Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park interpretation and education program manager Benjamin Hayes about Mauna Loa, which has been dominating headlines and social media feeds with its historic eruption.

If you want to see the volcano’s fiery glow, this is the episode for you. Not only does Hayes give great advice and information on the eruption, but Cat and Grace also found themselves on Hawaiʻi Island to report on the scene, and share their experiences as well.

If you’d like to stay updated on Mauna Loa news and safety warnings, HAWAIʻI Magazine has a regularly updated article about Mauna Loa here, and Hayes recommends that visitors and locals check in regularly with the Hawaiʻi County’s civil defense website.

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Categories: Hawai‘i Island, Listen