Have Aloha Will Travel EP134: More Questions, More Answers
We answer your Hawaiʻi questions about everything from Maui’s red-sand beach to whether you can eat strawberry guavas.

You asked, we answered.
We had some great questions—via email, in DMs and left as comments on Instagram—from readers, and we just had to tackle them.
S. Anderson wanted to know about biking paths on Oʻahu, and here are some helpful resources:

Strawberry guava on a trail on Oʻahu.
Photo: Catherine Toth Fox
And for that couple from Houston who asked about strawberry guava, here’s a resource for you. (Bottom line: Yes, you can eat them.)
If you have a question you want us to answer (or research, then answer), email us at media@hawaiimagazine.com.
Got questions or comments for us? You can email us at media@hawaiimagazine.com. Follow us on social media @hawaiimagazine, and be sure to subscribe to our channel on SoundCloud, iTunes or Spotify. Also, be sure to check out our Shopify for HAWAIʻI Magazine products.