Have Aloha Will Travel EP131: Tips for Vacation Photos

Maryrose and Reid Hicks of Wanderlustyle shares their tips on taking the best photos on vacation—perfect for our photo contest!
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Reid and Maryrose Hicks of Wanderlustyle share their tips for taking the best vacation photos. Photo: Courtesy of Maryrose and Reid Hicks

In case you hadn’t heard, our annual Photo Contest is underway, and we decided to dedicate this episode to tips on taking the best vacation photos.

We invited our friends Maryrose and Reid Hicks, the couple behind the popular Wanderlustyle blog, to share their advice and tips on taking photos in the Islands. (Check out their Instagram @maryandreidhicks.)

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The couple in front of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikīkī.
Photo: Courtesy of Maryrose and Reid Hicks

If their names sound familiar, you might have read their story in a past issue about their favorite places on Oʻahu for photographs. And SPOILER ALERT: One of their favorite spots on any island for photos are at hotels. You’ll need to listen to the podcast to find out why.

FYI: Due to technical difficulties, we had to cut the podcast short. But we’ll circle back with the Hicks on more tips in the future!

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Categories: Listen, Photo Contest