Have Aloha Will Travel EP122: Holiday Shopping and Kauaʻi Raceway Park

Cat and Kevin discuss holiday shopping and drag racing on this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast.
Him2401 Ay Kauai Raceway Park 163
Kauaʻi Raceway Park. Photo: Aaron K. Yoshino

On the 122nd episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, Cat and Kevin get on the mic to discuss holiday shopping—and how to get something uniquely from Hawaiʻi—and the Kauaʻi Raceway Park.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift to get someone who loves Hawaiʻi just as much as you do, be sure to visit houseofmanaup.com to see some truly excellent gift baskets and products made and designed by local entrepreneurs. If you’re interested in watching a car reach speeds of up to 158 miles-per-hour in under 10 seconds, you’ll want to check out the Garden Isle Racing Association’s website, which has its event calendar for upcoming drag races you can check out.

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Categories: Kauaʻi, Listen