Have Aloha Will Travel EP116: Maui Wildfire News and Discussion
This week on the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, Kevin and Cat discuss the tragedy that has resulted from the Maui wildfires.

There’s really no way to get around talking about Maui at the moment, the situation there is too immense and too tragic.
Cat and Kevin discuss a few important aspects of the Maui wildfire disaster, as well as the initial timeline of the fire, that’s been unfolding for the past few weeks, which has left hundreds—thousands—without homes, businesses or jobs. And the number of casualties continues to rise.
There has also been a great show of support from residents, visitors and everyone who just loves Maui and its people. However, as Kevin and Cat talk about in the podcast, there have also been some suspect fundraisers on social media platforms that should be avoided. If you’re looking for our more vetted list of fundraising portals and foundations to visit, you can find that here.
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