Have Aloha Will Travel 123: Why We Love Winter in Hawaiʻi

Katrina Valcourt of HONOLULU Magazine joins us for this episode dedicated to winter in the Islands.
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Katrina Valcourt, executive editor of HONOLULU Magazine, shares the reasons why she loves winter in Hawaiʻi on our latest podcast. Photo: Shane Webb

There are so many reasons we love winter in the Islands—I even wrote a blog about it!—but we decided to get a second opinion.

We asked our pal Katrina Valcourt, the executive editor at our sister publication HONOLULU Magazine, to weigh in on winter in Hawaiʻi.

We also discuss gift ideas for the Hawaiʻi lovers on your list.

Some of Katrina’s favorites include:

I liked the locally made chews, treats and toppings for your dog from Pawniolo Pets and aloha-print blankets from Fighting Eel.

Don’t forget to vote in our Readers’ Choice Awards! Vote for your favorite hotel, restaurant, hike, beach, poke shop and more! Plus, enter to win a free trip to Hawaiʻi, courtesy of Alaska Airlines and Waimea Plantation Cottages.

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