Best of Kaua‘i 2022: Outdoor Adventures

Waimea Canyon Waterfall At Canyon Trail In Kauai

A trip to Kaua‘i isn’t complete until you’ve experienced the island’s stunning environment, whether it be on a hike, in the water or from a boat. Read which excursions and places our readers ranked as best, from beaches and botanical gardens to campgrounds and snorkeling spots. 

Best Beach

  1. Po‘ipū Beach
  2. Hanalei Bay
  3. ‘Anini Beach
  4. Mākua Beach (aka Tunnels Beach)
  5. Kē‘ē Beach

Best Botanical Garden

  1. Allerton Garden
  2. Princeville Botanical Gardens
  3. Na ‘Āina Kai Botanical Gardens & Sculpture Park
  4. Limahuli Garden & Preserve
  5. Smith’s Tropical Paradise

Best Campground

  1. Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park
  2. Kōke‘e State Park
  3. ‘Anini Beach
  4. Polihale State Park

Best Hiking Trail

  1. Waimea Canyon Trail to Waipo‘o Falls
  2. Kuilau Ridge Trail
  3. Nounou Trail (aka Sleeping Giant)
  4. Māhā‘ulepū Heritage Trail
  5. Wai Koa Loop Trail (aka Stone Dam)

Best Surf Spot

  1. Hanalei Bay
  2. Kalapakī Beach
  3. Kāhili Beach (aka Rock Quarry Beach)
  4. Anahola Bay
  5. Kiahuna Beach

Best Snorkeling Spot

  1. Po‘ipū Beach
  2. Mākua Beach (aka Tunnels Beach)
  3. ‘Anini Beach
  4. Kē‘ē Beach
  5. Lāwa‘i Beach


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