Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP50
It's the big 5-0! To celebrate the occasion, Cat and Kevin are joined by famed ʻukulele instructor Roy Sakuma.

This episode of the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast is special for a few reasons. First and foremost, Roy Sakuma joins Cat and Kevin on the cast this week to talk about his history as a student of famed ʻukulele virtuoso Herb “Ohta-San” Ohta, how ʻukulele has changed his life and how he’s changing other people’s lives with the tiny four-stringed instrument.
Aside from founding the ʻUkulele Festival Hawaiʻi, which recently celebrated its 50th year, Sakuma also teaches at the Roy Sakuma ʻUkulele Studio, which has been his passion for the past 50 years. And while organizing in-person lessons have gotten tougher due to COVID-19, Sakuma and his instructors have worked tirelessly to provide safe and sanitary lessons for adults and keiki (kids).
It’s also the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast’s 50th episode. Woah! That snuck up, but you know what they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Thank you all so much for listening in and we hope to continue giving you your bi-weekly dose of Hawaiʻi for a long time to come. Here’s to another 50!
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