Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP6

This week, HAWAII Magazine staffers Catherine Toth Fox, Kevin Allen and, making a guest appearance, art director Kayla Rivera talk about their newest issue.
Photo: Kayla Rivera

Making her debut appearance, Kayla Rivera, HAWAII Magazine’s art director, joins Kevin Allen and Catherine Toth Fox to talk about some of the experiences and moments they had while working on the latest May/June issue of HAWAII Magazine.

The first topic discussed, which is actually one of the stories that opens the issue, is Cat and Kayla’s journey to Gunstock Ranch to plant a milo tree, which is endemic to the Islands. Spoiler alert, Kayla willed a swing into existence. You’ll have to listen to the podcast to figure out what that means.

Kevin and Kayla also met and interviewed Oahu artist Sarah Caudle, who crafts incredible pieces using resin and a colorful imagination. The duo also attended the Hawaiian Astronomical Society’s star party, which Kevin had tried to attend on numerous occasions but was thwarted each time due to unfortunate circumstances. Again, you’ll have to listen to the podcast to figure out what that means. Hotel Lanai is also talked about in the episode, specifically its newest renovation, which also happens to be its first major renovation of the building’s century-long existence.

Stargazing on Oahu’s North Shore.
Photo: Lorrin Gacusan

In the back of the book, we’ve dedicated a section to food (Kau Kau) and family (Ohana) travel, and Cat shares her experience visiting the Waioli Tea Room, which has quietly reemerged as a bakery and bistro that looks to give vocational training to drug rehab patients and inmates. Cat also talks about family-friendly hikes across the Islands, such as Aiea Loop Trail, Makapuu Point Lighthouse Trail, Waihou Spring Trail, Mahaulepu Heritage Trail and Akaka Falls Loop Trail.

You can email the podcast questions at media@hawaiimagazine.com. Follow us social media @hawaiimagazine, and be sure to subscribe to our channel on SoundCloud or iTunes

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