We need to talk about the fierce cape in Hawaiian Airlines’ new uniforms

Hawaiian Airlines debuted its new uniforms and they look fly AF.
hawaiian airlines new uniforms sig zane

Yesterday, Hawaiian Airlines unveiled new uniforms for its employees.

hawaiian airlines uniforms sig zane
Photo courtesy: Hawaiian Airlines


They were designed by Hilo, Hawaii Island favorite Sig Zane for the airlines’ 5,000+ employees and the outfits are a fashion-forward affair.

hawaiian airlines
Photo courtesy: Hawaiian Airlines

Bet your check-in Louis Vuitton luggage gonna be ~ j e a l o u s ~ of its cargo employees’ new threads.


But, what people can’t stop talking about is THAT CAPE.

hawaiian airlines cape
Photo courtesy: Hawaiian Airlines


Remember that nostalgic period when travel was glamorous? This cape does.

hawaiian airlines cape

The garment is an option for flight attendants and like the rest of the uniforms the lining is patterned with lehua blossom and ohe kapala (bamboo stamps). Here’s an in-depth look at the design process.


Employees are saying the cape makes them feel like Beyoncé.

hawaiian airlines uniforms


When the crew puts them on, they’re ready to serve more than just juice.

hawaiian airlines cape


The new item isn’t even available to the workforce yet, but they already feel super connected to it.

hawaiian airlines cape


Someone better call Britney and tell her there’s a new uniform in the sky.


Because after a Pew Research Center Gallup Poll via my Facebook, it’s official: everyone is head over heels for the cape too.

hawaiian airlines new uniform


We weren’t ready for how aerodynamic this pure feat of style and form is.

hawaiian airlines new uniforms


Just look at the way it spins and spins for daaaays.

hawaiian airlines uniforms


Anyway, when we reached out to the cape for comment, this is all it had to say:

hawaiian airlines cape


Watch the full runway show here:

Categories: Oʻahu