Have Aloha Will Travel EP119: Talk Story with Pineapple Farmer Darren Strand
Maui Gold Pineapple Company's own Darren Strand joins us on today's podcast to talk all about pineapples.

For a fruit that’s not from Hawaiʻi, locals and visitors alike sure do love pineapples.
A staple fruit in the Islands for centuries, the pineapple—which originated from South America—has become intrinsically linked with Hawaiʻi. And there aren’t a lot of people who know more about the subject than Darren Strand, who joins Cat and Kevin on this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast. A self-proclaimed “pineapple nerd,” Strand has been in the pineapple farming business for decades, and currently helps run and operate Maui Gold Pineapple Company.
Operating 800 acres of pineapple farms is no joke, and Strand gives us a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to manage such a large operation. Maui Gold was also one of the fastest acting businesses to get involved in relief efforts for those affected by the Maui wildfires, and Strand discusses what the situation has been like since the catastrophe.
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