Have Aloha Will Travel EP114: Talking Story with Hiking Activist Lena Haapala
On this week's episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, Cat and Kevin chat with Kokonut Koalition volunteer Lena Haapala.

This week, Cat and Kevin are joined by Lena Haapala, a Kokonut Koalition volunteer, hiking activist and co-founder of Aina Lani Hikes.
It’s not Haapala’s first time on the show either! All the way back in episode 52 of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast, Lena Haapala talked with Cat and Kevin about the Kokonut Koalition’s efforts in preserving, maintaining and improving the trail’s degraded path. Now, two and a half years later, the Koko Head Crater trail is in way, way better shape, and a new platform was built at the summit. Haapala discusses these changes and updates to the trail, and talks about some of her favorite hikes around Oʻahu and her guided-hike business which she started, Aina Lani Hikes, all in this episode.
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