Have Aloha Will Travel EP113: Our Recent Trips to Kauaʻi and Lānaʻi
Find out what the editorial team did on Kauaʻi and Lānaʻi on this week’s episode.

We’re in the swing of summer, and our editorial team has been out and about, searching out stories to share in our upcoming winter issue.
Editor Kevin Allen recently returned from a day trip to the Lānaʻi Cat Sanctuary, a shelter for feral cats on the island. He got to hang out with the more than 600 cats on this property and talk with the new owners, both veterans from the Hawaiian Humane Society.
In the meantime, editor at large Catherine Toth Fox spent the weekend on Kauaʻi, this time hiking in Kōkeʻe State Park with her family. They stayed at the Waimea Plantation Cottages in one of the 59 historic plantation homes that have been refurbished and outfitted with everything you could ever need, from a full kitchen to an outdoor lānai with views of Driftwood Beach.
It’s work, so somebody’s got to do it!
We share our tips for traveling to Lānaʻi and hiking at the state park. Definitely bookmark this episode if you’re planning a trip to either of these islands.
Hope you enjoy!
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