Podcast Show Notes: Have Aloha Will Travel EP70

Chris Iwamura, owner of the longstanding local—and visitor—favorite eatery Rainbow Drive-In, talks story with Cat and Kevin on this weekʻs episode.
Rdi60 Drivein
Photo: Courtesy of Rainbow Drive-In

There aren’t many places to get a plate lunch here on Oʻahu that is more iconic than Rainbow Drive-In.

Being in the same location on Kapahulu Avenue for six decades, the eatery has been able to maintain its fave status amongst locals and visitors with its iconic menu, filling plate lunches, affordable prices and friendly customer service.

READ MORE: Rainbow Drive-In Celebrates 60 Years of Dishing Out ʻOno Hawaiʻi Plate Lunches

Kevin and Cat roped in Chris Iwamura into this week’s episode of the “Have Aloha Will Travel” podcast to talk about the present, past, and future of Rainbow Drive-In. As the third-generation owner of Rainbow Drive-In, Chris discusses what it’s been like operating the eatery during COVID-19, the balancing act of keeping Rainbow Drive-In familiar to longtime customers while introducing new aspects to the business as well as what it’s been like expanding the brand to five locations on Oʻahu.

And, of course, there is plenty of talk about favorite menu items with Cat and Chris, who have probably tried every item on the menu. If you love Rainbow Drive-In, tell us what your favorite plate or entree is by emailing Kevin at kevina@hawaiimagazine.com, and we will shout it out on the next episode of HAWT!

Thanks to SCP Hilo Hotel for your support!

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