“20 Things to Love About Hawaii Right Now”: Segway rides through paradise

Our March/April 2010 HAWAII Magazine cover feature reveals our staff’s list of “20 Things to Love About Hawaii Right Now.”
Pick up a copy and you’ll find photos and write-ups detailing all-things-Hawaii our staff is currently enamored of. A trio of classic Hawaii hotels, newly remade. The perfect place in Hawaii to see stars. The fact that we have an amazing sunset somewhere in Hawaii every day. The list goes on.
You’ll find the complete “20 Things” feature in HAWAII Magazine’s current print edition, in bookstores and on newsstands nationwide for a few more weeks. You can also subscribe to HAWAII Magazine’s print edition by clicking here, or digital edition by clicking here.
Here’s a look at another one of our “20 Things to Love About Hawaii Right Now”:
You can take Segway rides through paradise
It’s as easy as walking—and more fun. You can now tour many places on Oahu on a Segwqy.
Segway of Hawaii offers tours of Waikiki, Kapiolani Park, Diamond Head, historic Honolulu, Kailua (pictured, above) and Lanikai.
Heard of Segways, but never ridden one? Every tour begins with a 20- to 30-minute orientation course. With no special skills, we found riding one immensely easy. The self-balancing personal transports zipped us along, and were friendly to both pedestrians and the environment, running along at 2 mph on about a dime’s worth of power an hour.
Each tour comes with a guide, usually born and raised in Hawaii. It may turn out to be the coolest thing you do on Oahu.