Have Aloha Will Travel EP95: Introducing Emily Smith + Fall Faves in Hawaiʻi

The newest member of the HAWAII Magazine ʻohana Emily Smith joins this episode of the Have Aloha Will Travel podcast to discuss fall faves.
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Photo: Catherine Toth Fox

The crew at HAWAIʻI Magazine always loves having a new face around, and this week they’re introducing Emily Smith to the HAWAIʻI ʻohana. Smith is HAWAIʻI Magazine’s newest digital media manager and loves toy poodles, astrology and more.

Cat, Kevin, Grace and Emily also share some of their favorite things about fall in Hawaiiʻ. From Cat’s love of pumpkin patches to Emily’s fondness for the Hawaiʻi International Film Festival, the gang covers a lot on what to do and see in Hawaiʻi during the fall season.

If you’re looking for Halloween events, Kevin briefly mentions a Hawaiʻi Halloween event guide article on the site, and you can find that here. Cat also talks about her various haunted encounters, which she wrote a whole blog about on our sister brand’s website.

Got questions or comments? You can email us at media@hawaiimagazine.com. Follow us social media @hawaiimagazine, and be sure to subscribe to our channel on SoundCloud or iTunes. Also, be sure to check out our Shopify for HAWAIʻI Magazine products.

Categories: Listen