Hawi was great! What about Lanai?

HawaiiMagazine.com reader Ashley Rath, halfway around the world in Hertfordshire, England, made my morning.
Ashley wrote:
Aloha Derek!
The slideshow you posted this weekend of John Heckathorn’s and David Croxford’s visit to Hawi on Hawaii’s Big Island was, in a word, gorgeous.
It was just what I needed on yet another rainy Saturday afternoon in England. The photos were so grand and detailed, I felt as if I were right there with the boys.
I didn’t know Hawi existed the last time I visited the Big Island. Thanks to you, I won’t miss this lovely piece of “Hidden Hawaii” the next time I go.
One question though. Do you have any more photos to share of your trip to Lanai besides the ones you posted in April? I loved your video of Polihua Beach—what I would give to sit there for an afternoon, as well. But I’d love to see a slideshow with more of your photos from Lanai—another “Hidden Hawaii” gem.
Mahalo for your comments, Ashley. I’m a fan of our Hawi slideshow, too. I was born and raised on the Big Island, but I’d never seen the Hawi that John and David captured. The view from the ridge of Pololu Valley was always worth a trip from Hilo. But the biggest business in Hawi and Kapaau the last time I visited a decade ago was a kimchee factory. (Good kimchee, but still …)
The photos John and David brought back impressed me so much, I made sure to revisit Hawi and Kapaau on a Big Island trip a couple of weeks ago. It really was as charming and bustling with activity as “the boys” said.
But you asked about my April visit to Lanai. I’m happy to report I do have more photos to share. And since you asked, here they are.
Click on the slideshow screen for larger photos.